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A sign of surrender in the wake of the rebellion! Review of hijab law begins in Iran

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Tehran:Iran is on fire due to protests. In the streets of Tehran, free-thinkers are chanting slogans like “Put down the mullahs” to evoke memories of the Arab Spring. Many people are taking away the turbans of religious leaders and throwing them away. In turn, the government is carrying out inhuman atrocities to suppress the rebellion. More than 300 people have already lost their lives. In this situation, what is the sign of snow melting? Iran’s attorney general has said that the country’s parliament is reviewing the decades-old hijab law.

Although he is not clear which aspect is being investigated, there is a possibility that the administration may eventually bow down to the heat of the revolution.What exactly did iran’s attorney general say? “The issue is being discussed by the Cultural Commission of Parliament with the judicial office. It is being reviewed whether the law needs to be changed. He, however, did not specify what kind of changes he was talking about. But speculation has started, then will the administration bow down in the face of rebellion? The people are currently waiting for the answer.Mahsa Amini, a young woman, was killed by Iran’s policy police on September 16. Since then, protests have been going on across the country. Girls from the Arab world are protesting in the streets of Iran by singing the song ‘Bela Chao’ created in italy to oppose the dictator.

A section of the men involved in the anti-hijab movement are also involved. They also have “you want time” in their voices. The video of such a protest is now being practiced on the networld.More than 300 lives have been lost in the bloodshed of the administration. However, according to the government, the death toll is around 200. In addition, Tehran claims that the protests are actually a conspiracy. America has a hand in it. At the same time, the government also claims that the movement is being supported by a leftist organization in Iran called ‘Komla’ and several militant groups. In the end, the eyes of the whole world are on whether the government changes the law in the fire of rebellion.

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