Beijing:China under a pair of pressures. On the one hand, the number of corona (coronavirus) victims in that country is increasing. On the other hand, the people of Beijing want to get rid of the lockdown. But even in this situation, Chinese President Xi Jinping is not ready to accept the Covid vaccine prepared in the Western country to protect the people of the country. U.S. National Intelligence Officer Avril Haynes said so.In China, there is no name for the reduction of corona’s bloodshot. Yet many cities have reduced testing levels. In this situation, there are fears about whether the level of infection will increase further. Face-to-face about China at a U.S. Security Department event in California Heines opened.
“China wants to rely on indigenous vaccines. It is a matter of national pride for them. In such a situation, it is not possible for China to give the green signal to the Western vaccine. Although not directly speaking, Haines wanted to explain that the jinping administration’s dependence on indigenous vaccines was the fault of the Jinping administration.From the very beginning, China has relied on the vaccine made in its own country to deal with corona. It has said ‘no’ to vaccines made by foreign companies. But some researchers claim that china’s vaccine is not as effective as us or other foreign vaccines. If that’s true, then controlling the infection is a big risk for Jinping, according to informed sources.In fact, along with the infection, the public’s protests have increased the headache of the Chinese administration.

A few days ago, a fire broke out in a house in the city of Urumqi, killing 10 people. Due to the lockdown around the multi-storied building, the residents of that multi-storied building could not escape. Since then, protests have intensified across the country. Everyone has the same demand that the strict lockdown should be lifted from all parts of China. They have also called for an end to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s rule. All in all, the corona thorn is once again increasing the pressure on China.