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The first text message was written 30 years ago, what was in that message of 1992?

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Washington:December 3, 1992. An engineer in Berkshire, England, wrote two short words. That day, the message was written in the history book. Because it was the first ‘text message’ sent to a mobile phone in the history of technology. Later it was called SMS (Short Message Service). December 3, 2022, marked 30 years of history.Vodafone engineer Neil Paporth sent the message to his boss Richard Jarvis. He wrote “Merry Christmas.”

Richard could not respond to Neil’s message as he was busy at the Christmas party at the time. On an experimental basis, the blue message was sent to Richard’s new ‘Orbital 901’ mobile. Which weighed more than two kilograms. Later, in an interview, Neil said that he still did not realize that sending this message would become an integral part of the mobile service in the future.

Although its thinking started in the 1980s, it took more than a decade to implement it. Initially, the length of the normal message on mobile was only 160 characters. More than 1 billion messages are sent annually around the world. In 2010, the word ‘texting’ was added to the dictionary. Although it is still in vogue, WhatsApp or iMessage – all these apps are now more popular.

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