Beijing:The people of the country took to the streets to protest against China’s excessive efforts to prevent Corona. A week after the incident, the administration also gave its opinion in the opinion of the people. Like many other cities in China, including Beijing, the Chinese government has relaxed covid-19 rules in Shanghai this time. From Monday onwards, there will be no need for corona test certificates to board government vehicles in this city. All malls, shops and markets in Shanghai will also reopen from Monday.The same policy will apply to all parks, playgrounds, open platforms in the city.
A Chinese daily newspaper quoted the local administration as saying that no more corona test reports will be required to enter these open areas.It is to be noted that earlier this year, the level of corona infection was released in Shanghai. As a result, the local administration took a zero tolerance policy of corona.

At the end of the year, China relaxed that policy. Earlier, several cities, including Beijing, Guangzhou city in the south of China, Shizhauang in the north, Chengdu in the southwest, have reported that corona rules are being relaxed as needed.On Sunday, work was started to reduce the corona testing centers from Beijing and Shenzhen cities. Residents of the city were seen cheering to remove the temporary test centres with cranes.