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Water level in Ganga is receding, groundwater level is also receding: UN report

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New Delhi
The amount of water in the Ganges has decreased. The situation has worsened in the last two decades. The amount of groundwater in the catchment areas around the river has also decreased significantly. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a branch organization of the United Nations, has expressed this fear in its latest report. According to the report titled ‘State of Global Water Resources 2021’, between 2002 and 2021, the amount of water in the Ganges river has decreased drastically.

The amount of ground water in the Ganges basin has also decreased.Why is such a situation being created? The report puts global warming in the dock for this situation. It has been said that the melting of glacier ice is increasing the amount of water in the river, but after a while it is starting to decrease. Effects of glacier melting It is now visible in the Indus basin and the ganges basin areas. The report expressed apprehension that areas like Uttarakhand will be the most affected after a period of time as the glacier’s ice continues to recede.The WMO has prepared this report based on the amount of water stored in the soil.

The amount of moisture in the soil, groundwater, ice, water stored in plants, the amount of water stored in rivers and lakes has also been taken into account. WMO Secretary General Pettery Talas said, “Climate change can be observed through water. Frequent droughts, floods, erratic rainfall and the continuous melting of glaciers are all caused by climate change. ”The report also said that in 2021, due to the impact of ‘La Nina’ across large areas of the world, additional dry weather than usual has been observed. Moreover, 3.6 billion people do not get enough water for about a month a year due to excessive use of water by others. By 2050, 5 billion people can suffer. Which researchers are very worried about.

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