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Two teenagers sentenced to death for watching South Korea’s drama show

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Seoul:Kim Jong Un, The debate around him has always been raging. It would not be wrong to say kim another name of the mystery! The autocratic leader of North Korea has once again given a controversial order. The Kim administration sentenced the two teenagers to death. What is their “crime”? Watching a South Korean drama show and spreading it to others! In fact, watching this South Korean K-drama is banned in Kim’s country. And that’s why the two boys were severely punished.The two boys were studying at a high school in Ryangang province, bordering China.

Last October, they watched several drama shows in South Korea and America. As soon as the matter came to light, they were publicly killed. A blank Kim’s army stood in the wilderness and shot. According to the laws of Kim’s country, such behavior is actually a ‘sin’. So there is no exemption.The whole world knows about the inhuman mentality of North Korea’s autocratic ruler Kim Jong Un. Due to the increase in the economic crisis during the corona period, many people tried to flee the country. At that time, they were being made to work so hard to eat half a meal that the people were losing their lives within a few days.

Their bodies were then buried in the soil and made of organic manure and flowers were cultivated with it. Such instances of human rights violations have been exposed time and again. And Kim has no qualms about the criticism of the outside world.Meanwhile, North Korea has thrown missiles one after the other, leaving neighboring countries in panic. In particular, kim recently Japan and South Korea are worried about what the country has started. Panic has also spread among the people of the countries. Seoul said it was monitoring the movement of Kim’s troops jointly with the United States.

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