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weight is less than half a kilo! Country’s ‘smallest’ baby born with a length of 30 cm

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New Delhi:The country’s smallest baby was born in Pune. At the time of birth, his length was only 30 centimeters. The baby was born after 24 weeks in the mother’s womb.

This baby girl from Pune has been named Shivnya. After birth, his weight did not exceed half a kilo. She was born weighing only 400 grams. The weight of any healthy newborn is at least two and a half to four and a half kilograms. Shivnya weighed less than 500 grams there. Doctors say that it is not easy to save a child born at 24 weeks at such a low weight. However, with the efforts of the doctors, Ekrati has recovered. After being born with her mother, Shevanya went home after recovering from the hospital for three months.

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