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Looking at these signs, you can understand the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the body

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New Delhi: The waxy substance present in the cells of our body is called cholesterol. Cholesterol produces various hormones and vitamin D in the body. Our liver makes up 75 per cent of the cholesterol our body needs. The remaining 25 per cent comes from food. But not all cholesterol is beneficial for us. Some cholesterol can also threaten our lives. Low density lipoproteins accumulate in the arteries causing heart attacks, strokes, etc.

Cholesterol symptoms: Beware of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) :This can reduce blood flow to the lower part of the body, including the legs and feet. A person suffering from PAD does not get enough blood supply in the legs or arms (usually the legs). As a result, walking causes leg pain. This is also known as ‘claudication’.If not treated on time, the condition can lead to serious complications. Numbness and swelling of hands and feet also a symptom.

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