New Delhi:The Gujarat Assembly has passed a resolution against the BBC, urging the central government to take strict action in the controversial documentary case.
The case of the controversial BBC documentary does not seem to be calming down. In the latest development, the Gujarat Assembly on Friday passed a resolution against the BBC, urging the Centre to take strict action against it.

BJP MLA Vipul Patel, while moving the resolution in the House, said that the controversial two-part series titled India: The Modi Question by the British Broadcasting Corporation misrepresents the events of the year 2002 and tries to tarnish India’s image globally.
Vipul Patel’s proposal was supported by BJP MLAs Manisha Vakil, Amit Thakar, Dhavalsinh Zala and minister Harsh Sanghvi. However, the resolution was passed by a voice vote in the absence of Congress MLAs. After the unanimous passage of the resolution, Speaker Shankar Chaudhary said the BBC’s attempt was condemnable. The House passed a resolution to send its message to the Centre.
“India is a democratic country and freedom of expression is at the core of its Constitution but that does not mean a news media can misuse such freedom,” Patel said at the second sitting of the House. The BBC is losing its credibility and is working on some hidden agenda against the Indian country and the government. Therefore, this House requests the Central Government to take strict action against the shocking results shown in the BBC documentary.