New Delhi:Eggs are a favorite food of many. Many people eat up to 4-5 eggs a day. But is it good to eat more eggs? How many eggs in a day is healthy to eat? According to nutritionists, the reason for many people’s love for eggs is not only taste, but also the nutritional value of the egg hidden behind it. From weight control to providing the required protein to the body – eggs make up for all the necessary deficiencies. Apart from protein, eggs contain vitamin 6, vitamin 12, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, sodium, thiamine, iron, zinc, vitamin D and many other essential ingredients.

The ingredients that can help in removing various complications of the body.
Eggs are definitely healthy. But can too many eggs really be eaten in a day? How many eggs a day will not cause any harm to the body? Some of these questions have been answered by nutritionists. According to nutritionists it is better not to eat more than three or four eggs a week. This is because the glycoprotein called ‘avidin’ present in eggs prevents the absorption of biotin inside the body. Biotin is one of the most essential components of the body. It helps in keeping the hair healthy and builds the skin and nails. If biotin deficiency is excessive it can also affect brain function.