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AIDS scare in Uttarakhand jails! 43 men and one woman prisoner infected with HIV

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New Delhi: HIV blast in Uttarakhand jail! According to jail administration sources, 44 inmates, including a woman, have been infected. In Haldwani jail, the jail administration has woken up to so many prisoners being infected with HIV. All the infected prisoners have been admitted to Sushila Tiwari Hospital. That’s where their treatment is going on.

Metal Jail bars isolated on a white background

According to hospital sources, most of the prisoners who were infected with HIV used to take drugs. According to jail sources, the rest of the prisoners are also being examined as they are HIV positive at the same time.

Paramjit Singh, a doctor at Susheela Tiwari Hospital, said, “The health check-up of the jail inmates is done twice a month. The Hospital

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