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Who is the heir to the great empire? Arnault auditioned for five children to decide

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New Delhi:The richest person in the world. The owner of a vast empire. He owns the best fashion brands in the world. But bernard arnault’s forehead is full of thought. Louis Vuitton has been virtually forced to decide who to hand over his vast empire to. Louis Vuitton’s CEO has arranged an audition to choose who will be the owner of the Arnault empire in his absence.

Bernard Arnault has five children. Three of them are already holding CEO positions in companies owned by their father. The other two children are also involved with various organizations in Arnault. The world’s richest man plans to hand over all the responsibilities of his business to one of these five. On April 19, Louis Vuitton overtook Elon Musk to become the world’s richest man.
How will Arnault choose his successor? According to reports, he goes to lunch with his children once a month. No one else has access to this lunch for an hour and a half. However, according to sources, before the lunch starts, business related to his iPad
Arnault read all the information. Then, one by one, ask each child how the business can improve. That’s how he auditioned his children.

It is known that the world’s richest person is reluctant to come to any decision right now. For now, the audition process will go on for a long time. However, the French billionaire said that he will hand over all the responsibility of his business to the child who will prove most worthy after passing continuous auditions. You will decide on the basis of personal affection. In his absence, Arnault hopes that the right person will be in charge of the organization.

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