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China desperate to increase population, ivf allows single women to have children

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Beijing: China’s population is declining. The number of elderly and disabled people is increasing in the country. In such a situation, China has taken a new approach to increasing the population. Now the administration has allowed single women to have children through IVF. It has also been informed that all maternity benefits will also be provided for single women. However, there has been no official word from the country’s leaders about the decision yet. However, single women will not be able to give birth through IVF method from government hospitals.

In some chinese provinces, such as Shizhou, single women were allowed to bear children for some time. Now the order has been implemented across the country. It is learnt that,
The Chinese administration is quite concerned about the decline in the population. In such a situation, Chinese advisers claim that if single women are allowed to bear children, the birth rate can increase a lot. After the experimental ban was implemented in several provinces, single women now have the right to give birth across the country.
The Chinese administration has also said that single mothers will get all the benefits just like married people. They will get paid leave at work, financial assistance for their children. Chinese women are quite happy with the administration’s order. According to Chen Luojin, a divorced woman, “Married life is not equal for everyone. But it is not right to merge the issue of having children with marriage. ”

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