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According to Feng shui, where to keep a broom in the house?

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New Delhi: Broom is one of the tools required to clean the house. We can’t clean the house without a broom. So brooms are an irreplaceable part of a house. However, the broom should never be placed in front of the eyes. Since garbage etc. is cleaned with brooms, there is constantly evil energy emanating from the broom.

If the broom is kept in an eye-catching area, then that evil force can act on the human mind. That is why Feng shui has made a provision to keep the brooms away from the eyes at all times. The broom is always kept under the bed or in any nook and corner of the house. If the broom is kept in the visible area, then the prosperity of the house is hampered and the family members are at risk of suffering from various diseases and diseases. If the broom is kept upside down outside the main door of the house at night then it is auspicious according to Feng shui.

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