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Azim Premji University unveils ‘Forests of Life’ , second edition of annual climate festival at Bengaluru campus

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Bengaluru: Azim Premji University at its Bengaluru campus unveils a multilingual climate festival called “Forest of Life” on Thursday, November 2. Azim Premji Foundation’s CEO Anurag Beher inaugurated the event with a short and informative speech. Forest of Life is a celebration of forest , brought to life through an ensemble of art installations, photographs from forest captured by young interns, music, movies, artefacts, interactive workshops and more. Close to thousand five hundred students and members of the public visited the inaugural day of the festival which began with a tribute to forests of Biligiri Rangaswamy Berta by Soliga tribal elders and presentation by students.

The festival will be celebrated for two weeks till November 14th. Forest of life celebration will focus on all forests of the country including Kaziranga National Park, their conditions, livelihood if forest dependent communities, their challenges and on day to day shrinking of forest areas.The thirteen day festival offers an immersive and enriching experience which will provide various prospective from urban dewellers and indigenous communities and explore the idea of forests with school and college students from different part of the country. Various events, workshops, panel discussion,folk songs, rendition of folklore and audio visual programs will conduct each day across venues at the University.Azim Premji University launched it’s first climate festival -Rivers of Life-A journey through India’s Rivers’,it’s cultural influences, role in livelihood, vibrant biodiversity and the people behind it’s conservation. Over 10,000 students and general public attended the event.

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