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The CAA will be implemented, says minister

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New Delhi: The CAA will be implemented.On Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA), Union Minister of State (MoS) for Home Affairs Ajay Mishra Teni says, “This bill was passed in Lok Sabha on Dec 9, 2019.

In Rajya Sabha, it was passed on Dec 11, 2019. On December 12 it was made an Act. On January 10, 2020, the Act came into force. After becoming an Act, there are certain laws and regulations to be framed. The legislative committee of Lok Sabha has set the deadline for January 9 next year. The legislative committee of Rajya Sabha has set the deadline for March 30, 2024. Definitely, the CAA will be implemented. Some opposition parties have also gone to the Supreme Court and filed petitions….There are 220 petitions filed by opposition parties against us…”

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