New Delhi: Today is Republic Day. Every year 26 January is celebrated as Republic Day. On this day, patriotic sentiments are awakened in the mind of every Indian. Traditions, culture and progress of the nation are highlighted through various programs in the country from different states. Today’s Republic Day is celebrated with great pomp, but in the past, Republic Day was celebrated in a different way.

January 26 was declared as Independence Day since 1930 after the declaration of ‘Purna Swaraj’ in 1929 under the leadership of the country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. However, later the day changed and the day the flag of independence was raised in India, that day is considered as the day of independence. Incidentally, it was August 15. As a result, the importance of January 26 changed.
After the Constitution of India was written, it needed a day to implement it. January 26 was chosen as Republic Day in terms of historical importance. On that day, at 10:18 am, the constitution of the world’s largest democracy came into effect. Since then, the first Republic Day was celebrated in India in January.
On the first Republic Day, the Army, Air Force and Police marched past the streets of Delhi.