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Farmers with guns in the field to guard garlic

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New Delhi: The price of garlic is skyrocketing in the market. The rise in garlic prices in Maharashtra, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh over the past few weeks has left the middle class worried, but farmers are still happy. But along with the joy, there is also anxiety. Farmers complain that garlic is being stolen from the fields due to the increase in the price of garlic. Farmers are sitting in the field to guard garlic for 24 hours with guns to prevent theft. They are in the field believing that thieves will not come for fear of guns. The scene in Mangrola village in Madhya Pradesh is similar today.

Not only guns, CCTV cameras have been installed in the fields to keep a strict vigil. Dogs have also been released in the fields to save their crops. The dog is also guarding the field. If a stranger comes to the field, the dogs will chase them. As a result, ‘precious’ garlic will also be protected.

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