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Cyber criminals crime through AI in Guwahati city: Criminal calls parents for indulging in rape by impersonating his child’s voice

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Guwahati: In Guwahati city, criminals are now adopting new tactics to commit crimes. Now with such tactics, criminals are committing crimes that they cannot think of with the help of modern technology. The cyber officials have demanded money from their parents by raising their child’s voice on the phone. What is alarming is that the criminals raised the voice of the child on the phone and said that he was involved in the rape and told him that money was needed to save him. Such a horrific incident took place in the case of Nawabuddin Ahmed, a resident of Lachit Nagar in the city.

The miscreants called his son studying at Donbosco University in Kharghuli that he had committed the rape. Through AI over the phone, cyber criminals shouted the exact voice of Nawabuddin Ahmed’s son. The criminal asks him to pay Rs. 40,000 in the first place, raising the voice of the child. On receiving one such call, his father Nawabuddin Ahmed got worried and enquired at the university where his child was studying. But knew that his child staying in the university.

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