Assamese News & English Newspaper

Rajkumar Roat arrives at Parliament on a camel to take oath as an MP

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New Delhi: This is the first time that a MP has come to Parliament on a camel. The Lok Sabha session is currently underway. The MPs were sworn in for two days yesterday and today. BAP MP Rajkumar Roat rode a camel to Parliament to be sworn in as an MP.

There was a time when Atal Bihari Vajpayee came to Parliament on an ox cart to protest against oil price hike. That may have been the beginning. After that, many MPs sometimes rode tractors or bicycles to Parliament to innovate in protest. But Rajasthan MP Rajkumar came to Parliament not to protest, but to highlight the heritage of the desert. But his journey was not pleasant. He was taken off his camel by Delhi police before reaching Parliament. Rajkumar Roat, MP from Banswara constituency in Rajasthan, was outraged by the incident.

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