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A new crack in the house! Centre’s delegation leaves for ‘sinking’ Joshipath

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New Delhi:So far, 678 houses have been affected by land degradation in Joshimath. Many families had to leave bhitemati. Suddenly many houses collapsed. The road to Joshimath has also widened.Another 68 houses in Joshimath have developed cracks.

Joshi math is gradually sinking. On Monday, 68 more houses in the himalayan city developed cracks. The administration continues to identify the dangerous houses and evacuate the residents quickly.

The Centre’s delegation will visit Joshi math on Tuesday to take stock of the situation. The team is being sent by the Union Home Ministry. Earlier on January 5 and 6, a team of experts, after examining the situation in Joshimath, had suggested that the damaged houses in Joshimath should be demolished immediately. The work will begin on Tuesday in the presence of central representatives.

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