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World’s second-deepest blue hole has been discovered in mexico’s Chatumal Bay

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New Delhi:About 900 feet deep. The stretch covers an area of about 147,000 square feet. The world’s second-deepest blue hole has been discovered in mexico’s Chatumal Bay. Yes, the ‘blue hole’. If you argue Bengali, it can be called the blue hole. Because the crater found in the gulf near the Yacatan Peninsula in Mexico is blue in color. In fact, the depth of such a cavity is higher than the rest of the water. As a result, sunlight cannot reach the bottom of this cavity.

This is why the cavities are very dark. Therefore, the water stored in this part looks darker, darker blue than the rest of the water bodies. Mexico’s ‘Blue Hole’ to be discovered in 2021 It happened last year, but was recently documented in the scientific journal Frontiers in Marine Science.

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