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Win 80 years of legal battle! Hc returns British-era flat to 93-year-old woman

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Mumbai: British-era flats. It was lost in the Sahibi Act. Then history changed. India became independent. However, the woman did not get Hawke’s flat back. However, he did not give up the legal battle. In the end, a sweet victory came in the battle of patience with teeth in his teeth. But eight decades later. Recently, the Bombay High Court directed the Maharashtra government to return two flats in south Mumbai to a 93-year-old woman.

Ruby Manson’s first floor of the two flats that have been in the case for the past 80 years. One is 500 square feet and the other is 600 square feet. On March 28, 1942, the two flats were acquired by the British government under the Defence of India Act. However, de-requisition was ordered in July 1946. Despite this, alice d’souza, an elderly woman, did not get the flat back.

The elderly woman alleged in the court that the flats were currently occupied by the legal heirs of a former government official. Which he wants back. Finally, on May 4, Mumbai High Court judges RD Dhanuka and MM Sathaye ordered that the Maharashtra government immediately return the two flats to 93-year-old Alice D’Souza, the prakrit owner.

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