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According to Feng shui, using manglik symbols at home will yield benefits

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New Delhi: Manglik symbols should always be used at home. There is always a kind of auspicious energy emanating from such Manglik symbols. The auspicious energy that defeats the evil forces of the house. As a result, the peace of the householder increases as well as wealth.

Many people in countries like India have been considering the swastika sign or the au sign as a manglik symbol. That’s why many people keep the swastika sign or omark in the house. Not only in India but in different countries of the world including China, people keep various types of symbols in the house as a manglik symbol. Such manglik symbols have been used in China with pieces of wood or metal blocks. The swastika sign, the placement of O and Trishul together increases happiness and peace in that house. Manglik symbols can be placed on either side or in the middle of the main door of the house.

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