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According to vastu shastra, on which land should a house not be built?

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New Delhi: According to vastu shastra not all soil is suitable for decorating houses. Vastu therefore has made provisions not to build houses on some lands. What land? The location of the land should be well ascertained before constructing the house. On a land on which the road passes directly on the west side, the construction of a house will harm the householder.

Houses should not be built on a land where the two roads from the western and southern directions come together. A house should not be built on a land where the three roads from the east, west and north come together. On a land where there is a road on all three sides, building a house can lead to many evils. A house should not be built on a land where the sun’s light cannot fall properly due to the surround of trees or other houses, on a land where the wind cannot move properly.

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