Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha announced plans to modernize the state’s police force with advanced technology, including AI-based control rooms and drone systems, at both district and state levels. Speaking at the Tripura Police Week event at AD Nagar Police Line on January 16
Agartala:Tripura Chief Minister Manik Saha announced plans to modernize the state’s police force with advanced technology, including AI-based control rooms and drone systems, at both district and state levels. Speaking at the Tripura Police Week event at AD Nagar Police Line on January 16, Saha outlined the government’s vision to integrate smart CCTVs and other modern tools to enhance law enforcement operations. The Chief Minister revealed that preparations are underway for constructing a new Police Headquarters and upgrading the East and West Agartala Police Stations. He noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has highlighted the importance of reconstructing outdated police stations and staff quarters to improve infrastructure.“Tripura Police is a symbol of pride. Last year, we celebrated their 150th anniversary, making it one of India’s oldest police forces. People turn to the police in times of distress, and it is crucial to work with integrity to build public trust. I urge everyone to embrace transparency and uphold the dignity of service,” Saha said, paying tribute to fallen officers during the Police Week .ommemoration.Highlighting improved security in Tripura, the Chief Minister shared that the state recorded a 19.3% decline in crime rates in 2024 compared to 2023, marking the lowest crime levels in a decade. He praised the police for their role in ensuring peaceful Lok Sabha and Panchayat elections, contributing to higher voter turnout. The Election Commission of India recognized Tripura Police for their exemplary efforts in maintaining order during the elections.Key crime statistics for 2024 include a 45% drop in property-related offenses, a 38% reduction in physical assault cases, a 75% decrease in riot-related incidents, and a 55% decline in crimes against women. Additionally, anti-narcotics operations saw significant success, with authorities seizing drugs worth ₹867 crore—106% higher than in 2023. Over the past three years, 1,666 cases under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act were registered, resulting in 3,079 arrests.Regarding convictions, Saha reported that in 2024, five individuals received seven-year prison sentences, 13 were sentenced to 10 years, seven to 20 years, and 14 to life imprisonment.The introduction of AI-driven technology and drone surveillance is expected to strengthen Tripura Police’s capabilities, improving safety and crime prevention across the state.
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