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Do you know where a corrupt leader is caged and punished in the river?

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Milan:The leader is the representative of the people. Public service is the real reason why the leader wins the election. It is natural that the leader will take care of those who brought them to power. However, in many cases, there are complaints, many people are busy in collecting their own sugarcane by neglecting that work. However, in the rules of time, one day the ‘all-powerful’ leader was removed from the throne.

Yet, is the correct “punishment” meted out to a corrupt leader who commits injustice? In most cases it doesn’t match. But in Italy, this city is different. Netaji does not break the promise here. He had to face terrible punishment. What is that punishment?
The city of Trento in Italy. It is here that there is a severe punishment for the leader who cheats the public. The evil leader is filled with an iron cage. He was then dumped in a local river. No, not the death penalty. Leader Khanik Habudubu in a cage

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