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Blue supermoon in the sky today! The brightest flame of the year will be seen on Rakhi Purnima

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New Delhi: The super moon will reappear at the end of the month. Sky lovers are eager to see the biggest and brightest moon of the year. It’s called the ‘Blue Supermoon’. Today is Rakhi Purnima and that day’s full moon will show ‘magic’ in the sky. Today the distance between the moon and the earth will be 357344 km. Earlier, a super moon was seen in June. It’s called strawberry moon. Then the last super moon of the year will be seen in September.

But why the name of the moon? In fact, the day when the full moon looks larger than the normal size, the moon is called a super moon. But why “blue”? No, the moon is blue at all. It won’t show. The name was first used in Sky and Telescope in 1946. If a full moon is seen twice in a month, the second full moon is called a ‘blue moon’.
Why do you see such a big moon? In fact, on the same day, the moon is seen on a larger scale than other days. As the distance decreases, the moon comes very close to the Earth. In scientific terms, it’s called perigee. On the full moon day, the moon is seen in the sky like a round dish. The brightness of the moon is much higher on this day than on other days. However, in the case of super moons, the moon is brighter.

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