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Vacating the stadium in Delhi for dog, IAS officer Rinku Dugga been given compulsory retirement

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New Delhi: Rinku Duggala, an IAS officer held on the head by government power, has been given compulsory retirement by the central government. The official vacated the stadium in Delhi to ferry her dog. The incident evoked strong reactions across the country. After the investigation into the incident was over, the central government gave the woman IAS officer a compulsory retirement.

Dugga, 54, is currently serving as principal secretary in Arunachal Pradesh. It may be recalled that the central government had transferred the dog-borne officer to Arunachal Pradesh and her husband Sanjeev Khirwar to Ladakh as a punitive measure after vacating the stadium in Delhi. A central government official said duga was the reason behind such acts that the government had retired him.

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