Assamese News & English Newspaper

Hypertension camp at Guwahati University by CSI (NE Chapter)

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Guwahati:The Cardiological Society of India (CSI), Northeast Chapter organized an awareness and screening camp at PhanidharDatta Hall, Guwahati University, on the occasion of World Hypertension Day. The hypertension camp was organized by CSI Northeast Chapter in association with the Guwahati University Teacher’s Association (GUTA) in order to spread awareness and to advocate the cause of Cardiological Society of India – to promote a healthy society.Prominent cardiologists of the city took part in the awareness activity. They provided free consultation, free RBS, BP check and ECG (if required). They will also addresed the audience on the importance of management of blood pressure and prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The cardiologists engaged the audience in an interactive session, where they discussed about many issues pertaining to cardiovascular health, cardiac emergencies etc.The elite of body of cardiologists pointed out that undetected and uncontrolled hypertension is a silent killer and among the leading causes of stroke, renal disease and other cardiovascular diseases such as coronary artery disease, vascular disease etc. They reiterated that regular screening of blood pressure is very essential, adhering to proper medication regime and regular follow up with the physician is also very important. They stressed on that fact that only through individual awareness can we create awareness in the society.The CSI is a prestigious organization dedicated to promoting excellence in the field of cardiology in India. Founded in 1948 in Kolkata, the CSI has a rich history of pioneering advancements in cardiovascular medicine and research. The society was established by a group of visionary cardiologists who recognized the need for a platform to exchange knowledge, collaborate on research and advance the field of cardiology in India.Over the years, the CSI has made significant contributions to the field of cardiology in India. The society has organized numerous conferences, workshops, and training programs to promote education and research in cardiovascular medicine. Through these initiatives, the CSI has helped to raise awareness about heart disease, improve the quality of care for patients, and advance the understanding of cardiovascular conditions.The main goal of the society is to work towards the prevention and eradication of Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) and the subsequent mortality rate. The motto is to create awareness among people about the causes and the impacts of the cardio vascular diseases. The society works towards elevating the level of awareness among general public about the co-relation of cardiovascular diseases with environment and lifestyle. The current focus is towards quality Research and subsequent novel pathways towards the prevention of Cardio vascular diseases.The society has its presence across various states in India, championing the cause for which it was formed. The regional bodies came into existence to drive and supplement the efforts of the parent body. Since, there were only a few number of cardiologists from Assam and Northeast in the formative years – a regional body (CSI – NE Chapter) comprising of the eight sister states was formed in the early 1980s to address the growing need for specialized cardiac care in the region. Over the years, the society has grown in size and stature, attracting members from all over the Northeast and gaining recognition for its contributions to the field of cardiology.

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