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Avoid such foods after the age of thirty, advise health experts

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New Delhi:According to health scientists, from the age of 30, people have to control themselves in their intake of the kegs. After 30 years, a lot of changes start happening in the body of men and women. Due to hormonal changes, it can have a loss of vision as well as on hair.

A report by the University of Cambridge says that a person should not consume more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day. As you approach the age of 30, everyone should cut down on sugar intake.
Eating too much sugary foods can lead to obesity problems. If coffee is present at night, then it can ruin sleep and cause problems.
The bread made from flour is rich in sugar, carbohydrates and fat. This can increase constipation and digestive problems.
Similarly, after 30 years it may become difficult to digest junk food or fried food.

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