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According to vastu shastra what is the good directio of sleeping ?

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New Delhi: Vastu is a science. Vastu analyzes the things related to human food and food from a scientific point of view and prescribes them. In fact, the food we eat and sleep are linked to our health. So it is very important to create a good environment for sleep. If you can’t sleep well then various diseases can attack people prematurely. Vastu Shastra therefore focuses more on the subject of sleep. Sleeping somewhere will bring sleep, but how beneficial that sleep is for the person depends on the sleeping area as well.

According to vastu shastra, one should never sleep with one’s head in the north or west. Life expectancy is lost when you sleep with your head in the north or west. One should always sleep with your head facing south or east. The education of those who sleep with their heads in the east increases. Sleeping with your head in the south increases money and life expectancy. Sleeping with your head on the north creates various obstructions in blood circulation.

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