Assamese News & English Newspaper

Avoid foods to keep the liver healthy

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New Delhi: Our daily diet contains a lot of foods that can cause fatty liver problems.Fatty liver problems are at risk of causing fatal liver cirrhosis if not alerted in time. In this case, if there is a fatty liver, then one should stay away from fried things, sweets, daldas, etc. as much as possible. Fatty liver is a more complex disease. Many people have been suffering from this disease. What is noteworthy is that not many people know that they are suffering from fatty liver problems.

Therefore, every person has to be careful about it. There are basically two parts to this disease. The first is fatty liver disease caused by alcohol. Alcohol is the main cause of this disease. On the other hand, people who do not consume alcohol are also at risk of developing fatty liver disease. In this case, the cause of the disease is completely different. Alcohol is not the cause of fat accumulation in the liver of such non-drinkers. Their problem depends on the lifestyle and diet.

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