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Problem of high blood pressure? Can stale Roti Work Like Medicine?

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New Delhi:Do not waste food, but take care of it. Unknown to many, stale roti is very healthy. Eating stale food causes gas-heartburn, that’s right. But this is not the case with roti. You will also be surprised to know about the health benefits of stale bread.

1) Many people suffer from the problem of high blood pressure. There are a lot of restrictions to be followed in daily life to keep blood pressure under control. Medicines should also be taken as per the doctor’s advice. However, you can eat stale bread with milk to reduce blood pressure in the domestic way. The amount of salt in the body is under control.

2) Stale roti contains a lot of fiber. Fiber works great to keep the stomach full for a long time. As a result, hunger is less. The tendency to eat food again and again is also reduced.

3) Magnesium and vitamins present in stale bread, the problem of asthma. Even if there is a problem with asthma, you can rely on stale bread.
4) Eating stale bread is not only that the problem of high blood pressure is reduced. Reduced risk of stroke. Bread helps to balance the temperature of the body.

5) Do not keep the lack of hard work to lose weight. But they are not getting the benefit either. You have a weight loss tool in your hands, stale roti loses weight quickly

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